2024 Start-Up Checklist
You and your parents will need to complete the following tasks to be ready for the 2024 Fall FTC Season: Into The Deep.
The calendar has been finalized for the 2024 Fall FTC Season.
Some dates have changed since the student info meeting.
Please refer to the updated calendar here.
If you have any questions or have trouble completing any of the above tasks, please contact Coach Malm or email us at mgroboticsbooster@gmail.com
All Members
All new and returning members must complete the following two steps.
Membership Contract - the Crimson Robotics Membership contract must be filled out, signed, and returned to a coach. You can view and print the document here: Crimson Robotics Member Contract 2024-2025
Log into Edutrak and expand the “Sports and Activities” area. The item “Robotics” will appear. Please pay the fee of $95.
FTC Participants
Only complete these steps if you plan on participating in FTC.
FTC Competition Fee: Pay the FTC Fee on the Crimson Robotics website. https://crimsonrobotics.com/shop
Please fill out the team placement form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepulo-XKyBGCLcNjjfcmlei9fYwJOgwLTTejqwcnpkhpHwwA/viewform