Crimson Robotics Blog

This page covers what we do weekly! We focus on what our different departments are currently working on and our progress through the FRC season.


The Crimson Robotics team would like to welcome you to our first ever blog! This week we worked on many things, let's catch you up to speed on what we did. Over the past 4 weeks we've been making much progress on our robot. Every department has been hard at work, cadding, prototyping, planning, and fixing things. This week specifically, we made a lot of good progress in all of our departments.

Our mechanical team has been working on 3 different manipulators for this robot. There will be an algae mechanism, a deep climb mechanism, and an elevator mechanism. Not too much happened with the algae mechanism, they've been doing a lot of cadding this week. However they just started on their prototype for next week. The deep climb team just finished a working prototype. Despite breaking soon after, the team figured out what was wrong. The three of them were able to fix up the climbing mechanism, and are ready to test it again. Recently our elevator team finished cutting a lot of the parts for the mechanism. On top of that, they're figuring out the gearbox that will make the elevator move!

The drivetrain team and the electrical team have also been very hard at work. Over the past 4 weeks, the amazing drivetrain team finished making the drivetrain! It's very important that we have the drivetrain for prototyping later. Our electrical team has been soldering, fixing motors, and optimizing the wiring for the robot on our drivetrain. 

The programming team has been spending a lot of time fixing and adjusting the movement of the robot. Also learning how to program swerve! That’s it for these two weeks! See you in two weeks!